What home environment would you like to create? Write a Wish List handwritten on paper.. Seven Wishes such as Peace,, Love,, Employment,, Creativity etc... If you have a family to call your own,, you might like to make a Wish for each family member,, but do not forget to end your Wish List with So Mote It Be...
At a quiet, private time, focus on the paper holding your Wishes until you feel absorbed with the intent of your Magick and absorbed with the Universe. Say three times as you burn your wish List with a Pure White candle:
"Hestia,, Goddess of the Home and hearth
I Call to you Now
Bless this Home and my Family
Keep us Safe,, Well and Happy.
These Wishes I ask of you Now
With my families Love and in Perfect Trust.
Blessed Be.
Either do this on a Sunday for Joy and Success,, or a Thursday for Generosity and Luck,, according to your need.
Salt,, SALT,, how important is Salt?...
To change your Luck for the better,, for family health and to attract Money;
A dish of Salt is traditionally left in the kitchen to absorb any negativity or sorrow in the atmosphere of your home environment,, this should be replaced on a weekly basis by tipping it under a running water tap. Dissolve Salt in water and sprinkle it around the home and in the corners of the rooms to remove bad,, earthly paranormal activity. Sprinkle Salt on the doorstep of your house and sweep it outwards,, to create a psyhic boundary to your home.
In your garden,, or if you have none,,
a pot plant will suffice,, grow;
Pink Geraniums: for overcoming uncertainty, and softening family confrontations,,
for family Joy.
Honey Suckle: for bringing stability into the home and for good luck.
Lavender: for money coming into the home, for gentleness and
calming teenagers, brings kind and gentle words.
Lilac: for domestic happiness,, the ultimate happy-at-home flower,,
for attracting positive visitors,, olde and new friends.
Mint: all purpose,, encourages lively communication and
positive atmospheres,, removing negative influences,, for health,,
reversing bad fortune and restoring goode,, and protection for
you and your family members.
Theyr are more things in heaven and earth Horatio, than are dreamt of in your philosophy...

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Recent Dreams, Wanderings and Channelling by bella....
Dragonfly Vision: The faery messengers of the Dragon Keepe. The faerys legs fuse together forming itself with the dragonfly tail, the back of the dragonfly becomes the front of the dragon faery. Laying back to back to become as one.
Dream: A raven flying through the window of an empty class room, that has within just a single desk and chair. Sitting upon this school desk was Queen Mab, she held in close embrace the raven which had flown into her arms, looking at me with her huge watery eyes. The vision of Queen Mab was very clear except for her, coming forth to me as shimmery and water-like, emotional and sad. The raven stared at me with his knowing eyes.
Channel; Temple of Isis: The temple of the gods and theyr namesakes, The Keepers. the Keepers of Knowledge and Rites of the olden 'golden' days. Back from whence things come and so shall they Return. It has been stated before many, many times. The path to the gods is a tumultuos ride of the aethers and aeons to progress. This path is not easy to become a god, and in the Temple of Isis lays the plans of your forebearers. Even though this was written many a long time ago, it is relevent for today, made for your times and laying waiting, hoping to Return. Just like you. The Temple of Isis is the Boat symbolised in the Egyptian Rites, as the Crossovers of the Dead, the Underworld and the Stars. It is all One.
The Wheels of Time turns, the same as the Wheel of the Year. As each moment passes and grows older, so does the Ship awaken. This is one of the many ships laying, waiting underneath the Earth. Waiting for the right time, it is nearly time. It is a salvation, a saviour of the peoples, an Avatar if you will. The Temple of Isis is a straight-forward connection to the gods and goddesses. It is a mode of transport, hidden, waiting. Stargate is not far from the truth, but not the Absolute Truth. This, temple of Isis is Not a Stargate, but a ship waiting to return Home. It is a scientific examination of Souls, telling who shall pass and who shall Not. It senses energies, vibrations, and is located underneath the Temple in a network of Space, Tunnels, Connections. Like a web, all over the world. Theyr are others, it all connects. They shall rise together, at the same time. Each nation (race of peoples) has one.
Space travel, a Map. Ran by thought alone. Energy Vortex, portals connecting, but can still be made to connect.
Races of Egyptian times planted this, human and other-worldly worked together at this time Now.
A Time Map, three shoots, branches; beginnings. One, Atlantis; two, Quetzalcoatl (mayan and aztec); and three, the Dark Ages. These three eras were of importance, linked together by the same strands, but theyr connection is mostly overlooked. Look at these times for theyr endings and theyr meanings. Atlantis fell; Mayans disappeared; Aztecs murdered; Dark Ages, fall and lose of an empire of magick and science. What is theyr relevance together? Now, what is the relevance to your Time. Think and ponder upon this, your time has the knowledge for this not to occur. Forearmed is Forewarned.
Channel: In times, in realms invisible. Long ago theyr was a Fortress, a Fortress to the depths of the heart, the ego, that which Is and that which is Not. The Self, the Ego became clashed within a war, entwined together by Time. Herodutus, the man of eons, many lives known. This be his Last. Great Power, with Wisdom comes Truth, but with Truth that can be Hidden. Hidden from masses, hidden from Self- true Self, Spirit, Soul. The links over time are set as clues. A treasure map to proceed if you will. X marks the Spot. Piece together the jigsaw, it is a Matrix, a web woven and unravelled with Time. Do not fear the Unknown, it beckons your Heart. To find, to seek, to complete. Visions are withstanding and withheld to the right time. Only then can you proceed correctly. Note the Clues, follow the Path; for this is the only way you shall Ever Truly Find what it is You Seek. Picture, Puzzle, Perfect.
Past Life Channel for friend: From the beginning of Time and Beyond the Stars she Comes. The centre of the core of humanity. Many aeons ago the story begins, in a time before time. The visions of the past flash before her eyes, like static television, the many dots; the many lives. From the clouds and dust make flesh, she formed herself at the start of earth time.
The All-Seeing Eye of Atlantis, a crystal that created a Vortex, misused created a suction of Time and Space. Technology/ Crytsal Energies/ Rays/ Beams, a kaleidoscope of colours. a glitch upon humanity, still rectifying the Vortex and pulling through/ reclaiming Souls Back to Life. It is your Job, your Force, your Endeavour. Show little, tell many. Keeper of Secrets bind you to theyr Karmic Ties as you reattach theyr cords to the aethers. It is job, your Majesty. "High Queen of the Atlantean Guild, may your Light and Energy guide your Way."
Past Life Channel for friend: Wondrous waves of Energy course through her Spirit throughout the paths of her time, her Time Line. Her visions are one she keeps to herself, she feels the lives of her past coursing through her veins, finding herself in the strangest of places at the strangest of times. In her mind, like Alice in WonderLand, the innocence of vision and creativity. Oh, what she can accomplish. Her paternal grandmother stays with her, teaches her, guides her.
Through her past lives she has plodded along, sometimes to greatness, sometimes not. The end of the voyage does not concern her, just the means to get theyr. Hard work is her virtue, this has been shown through many lives. One of great importance through time and history, is her time (prison punishment) and escape from a North African slave ship to the Americas. She (he) escaped by swimming. **Unlocking the shackles with a makeshift key hurt my hands, they bled and were raw, they hurt but I just kept pushing through till I could pull my hands through the shackles and locks. Theyr were others, many, crying, wanting to escape, but I couldn't, I was scared. It was cold, in the water bayou infested, but I manged to escape through the biting creatures. To freedom, to new life, much luckier than the others.**
Through courage, hard work and persistance, that which you carry on to this life. Six times ago, this is her seventh incarnation. Another life, in ancient babylonian times; biblical era, same time as Jesus, same generation. A market girl, happy and joyful. A light on the steps of the palace, gossiping with her friends in the palaces market place.
Past Life Channel for same friend: Changes through time, the Bird People; Horus. A child of horus, much protected and much loved. Sisters together in another life also, an Egyptian Priestess life. She tended the fires of horus and kept them lit, that was her job. A joker/ cheshire cat/ funny. Her harmonics (DNA, blueprint, energy imprints) still remain in Egypt and her tomb can be found amongst the priestesses of Horus, her sisters. A being from above helps her humour, encourages her thoughts for finer things, the lighter side of things, you make your parents laugh. Around the world and back again, much travel, many fun times to make a difference in the lives of others. You mission; to help those who do not have a chance for help, start close to home.
A mayan life, a little girl who has become lost in this life has found she is now not. Karmic connections.
A life by the sea does not always suit you well, but the country side does. This is where you will end up living, with a family of your own. I see a grandmother, you; sitting on her verandah, rocking and content, peaceful.
A fist to the Sun/Universe. Your frustrations at the Sun/ God pushes you through life to find the gentler Moon/ Goddess. This is you; balanced/ yin yang. You find the strength to inner calm, sometimes through anger, but this creates your balance, your drive, it is your edge. This comes from lifetimes of having to strive.
A Chinese Warrior/ Samurai. Not overly large in size, but nimble and quick of mind. Unlike the other warriors he was teased and layed down from war because of the others persecution. But this anger/frustration drove him to success, to become one of the best fighters/ swordsmen/ hand combat his shire had seen. He died in the arms of his Love, Freedom! Many lives; jewish persecution, world war II, the last before this life. A young jewish woman who hid the others from pain and took it upon herself. A great lady who died before time, in a concentration camp of Slavakia. A quiet unsung hero talked about only by those whom she helped, who passed her tale of bravery onto theyr own children, and instilled into them to be great, strong of heart as theyr saver (saviour).
Dream: A raven flying through the window of an empty class room, that has within just a single desk and chair. Sitting upon this school desk was Queen Mab, she held in close embrace the raven which had flown into her arms, looking at me with her huge watery eyes. The vision of Queen Mab was very clear except for her, coming forth to me as shimmery and water-like, emotional and sad. The raven stared at me with his knowing eyes.
Channel; Temple of Isis: The temple of the gods and theyr namesakes, The Keepers. the Keepers of Knowledge and Rites of the olden 'golden' days. Back from whence things come and so shall they Return. It has been stated before many, many times. The path to the gods is a tumultuos ride of the aethers and aeons to progress. This path is not easy to become a god, and in the Temple of Isis lays the plans of your forebearers. Even though this was written many a long time ago, it is relevent for today, made for your times and laying waiting, hoping to Return. Just like you. The Temple of Isis is the Boat symbolised in the Egyptian Rites, as the Crossovers of the Dead, the Underworld and the Stars. It is all One.
The Wheels of Time turns, the same as the Wheel of the Year. As each moment passes and grows older, so does the Ship awaken. This is one of the many ships laying, waiting underneath the Earth. Waiting for the right time, it is nearly time. It is a salvation, a saviour of the peoples, an Avatar if you will. The Temple of Isis is a straight-forward connection to the gods and goddesses. It is a mode of transport, hidden, waiting. Stargate is not far from the truth, but not the Absolute Truth. This, temple of Isis is Not a Stargate, but a ship waiting to return Home. It is a scientific examination of Souls, telling who shall pass and who shall Not. It senses energies, vibrations, and is located underneath the Temple in a network of Space, Tunnels, Connections. Like a web, all over the world. Theyr are others, it all connects. They shall rise together, at the same time. Each nation (race of peoples) has one.
Space travel, a Map. Ran by thought alone. Energy Vortex, portals connecting, but can still be made to connect.
Races of Egyptian times planted this, human and other-worldly worked together at this time Now.
A Time Map, three shoots, branches; beginnings. One, Atlantis; two, Quetzalcoatl (mayan and aztec); and three, the Dark Ages. These three eras were of importance, linked together by the same strands, but theyr connection is mostly overlooked. Look at these times for theyr endings and theyr meanings. Atlantis fell; Mayans disappeared; Aztecs murdered; Dark Ages, fall and lose of an empire of magick and science. What is theyr relevance together? Now, what is the relevance to your Time. Think and ponder upon this, your time has the knowledge for this not to occur. Forearmed is Forewarned.
Channel: In times, in realms invisible. Long ago theyr was a Fortress, a Fortress to the depths of the heart, the ego, that which Is and that which is Not. The Self, the Ego became clashed within a war, entwined together by Time. Herodutus, the man of eons, many lives known. This be his Last. Great Power, with Wisdom comes Truth, but with Truth that can be Hidden. Hidden from masses, hidden from Self- true Self, Spirit, Soul. The links over time are set as clues. A treasure map to proceed if you will. X marks the Spot. Piece together the jigsaw, it is a Matrix, a web woven and unravelled with Time. Do not fear the Unknown, it beckons your Heart. To find, to seek, to complete. Visions are withstanding and withheld to the right time. Only then can you proceed correctly. Note the Clues, follow the Path; for this is the only way you shall Ever Truly Find what it is You Seek. Picture, Puzzle, Perfect.
Past Life Channel for friend: From the beginning of Time and Beyond the Stars she Comes. The centre of the core of humanity. Many aeons ago the story begins, in a time before time. The visions of the past flash before her eyes, like static television, the many dots; the many lives. From the clouds and dust make flesh, she formed herself at the start of earth time.
The All-Seeing Eye of Atlantis, a crystal that created a Vortex, misused created a suction of Time and Space. Technology/ Crytsal Energies/ Rays/ Beams, a kaleidoscope of colours. a glitch upon humanity, still rectifying the Vortex and pulling through/ reclaiming Souls Back to Life. It is your Job, your Force, your Endeavour. Show little, tell many. Keeper of Secrets bind you to theyr Karmic Ties as you reattach theyr cords to the aethers. It is job, your Majesty. "High Queen of the Atlantean Guild, may your Light and Energy guide your Way."
Past Life Channel for friend: Wondrous waves of Energy course through her Spirit throughout the paths of her time, her Time Line. Her visions are one she keeps to herself, she feels the lives of her past coursing through her veins, finding herself in the strangest of places at the strangest of times. In her mind, like Alice in WonderLand, the innocence of vision and creativity. Oh, what she can accomplish. Her paternal grandmother stays with her, teaches her, guides her.
Through her past lives she has plodded along, sometimes to greatness, sometimes not. The end of the voyage does not concern her, just the means to get theyr. Hard work is her virtue, this has been shown through many lives. One of great importance through time and history, is her time (prison punishment) and escape from a North African slave ship to the Americas. She (he) escaped by swimming. **Unlocking the shackles with a makeshift key hurt my hands, they bled and were raw, they hurt but I just kept pushing through till I could pull my hands through the shackles and locks. Theyr were others, many, crying, wanting to escape, but I couldn't, I was scared. It was cold, in the water bayou infested, but I manged to escape through the biting creatures. To freedom, to new life, much luckier than the others.**
Through courage, hard work and persistance, that which you carry on to this life. Six times ago, this is her seventh incarnation. Another life, in ancient babylonian times; biblical era, same time as Jesus, same generation. A market girl, happy and joyful. A light on the steps of the palace, gossiping with her friends in the palaces market place.
Past Life Channel for same friend: Changes through time, the Bird People; Horus. A child of horus, much protected and much loved. Sisters together in another life also, an Egyptian Priestess life. She tended the fires of horus and kept them lit, that was her job. A joker/ cheshire cat/ funny. Her harmonics (DNA, blueprint, energy imprints) still remain in Egypt and her tomb can be found amongst the priestesses of Horus, her sisters. A being from above helps her humour, encourages her thoughts for finer things, the lighter side of things, you make your parents laugh. Around the world and back again, much travel, many fun times to make a difference in the lives of others. You mission; to help those who do not have a chance for help, start close to home.
A mayan life, a little girl who has become lost in this life has found she is now not. Karmic connections.
A life by the sea does not always suit you well, but the country side does. This is where you will end up living, with a family of your own. I see a grandmother, you; sitting on her verandah, rocking and content, peaceful.
A fist to the Sun/Universe. Your frustrations at the Sun/ God pushes you through life to find the gentler Moon/ Goddess. This is you; balanced/ yin yang. You find the strength to inner calm, sometimes through anger, but this creates your balance, your drive, it is your edge. This comes from lifetimes of having to strive.
A Chinese Warrior/ Samurai. Not overly large in size, but nimble and quick of mind. Unlike the other warriors he was teased and layed down from war because of the others persecution. But this anger/frustration drove him to success, to become one of the best fighters/ swordsmen/ hand combat his shire had seen. He died in the arms of his Love, Freedom! Many lives; jewish persecution, world war II, the last before this life. A young jewish woman who hid the others from pain and took it upon herself. A great lady who died before time, in a concentration camp of Slavakia. A quiet unsung hero talked about only by those whom she helped, who passed her tale of bravery onto theyr own children, and instilled into them to be great, strong of heart as theyr saver (saviour).
Saturday, October 16, 2010
OtherKin and Mythological Creatures...
"This place is haunted by us; the other occupants just evade boredom by filling
our skies and seas with monsters." -The Mothman Prophesies.
Angel of Death: the angel who assists humans upon theyr transition into the afterlife
Archangel: the highest ranking angels in the heavens
Cherub: portrayed as either a chubby, cupid-like child or less commonly known;
a multi-headed beast
Fallen Angel: an angel exiled from the heavens, curious of earth and darker
Gaurdian Angel: the angel who protects and guides you throughout your life
Nephilim: offspring of fallen angels and humans; the gods of sumeria
Non-Physical Beings...
Angels: spiritual messenger created by god as a way to communicate
with humans
Apparition: a visible spirit; disembodied person, a ghost
Elemental: nature spirit that represents one of the four elements
Ghost: a disembodied being, ususally human
Phantom: an apparition or something that can only be seen in the mind
or a dream
Poltergeist: a noisy, mischevious spirit connected to a living person, usually
an adolescent girl
Shadow Cat: an other-dimensional creature resembling a cat made
from the shadows
Shadow People: dark, vaprous entities in vaguely, human form; said to be
our darker self
Soul: the immortal part of people, seperates from the body at time of death
Spirit: an incorporeal being, a faery or angel; the energy of humans
Wraith: an apparition of a living or dead person, that appears to portend death
Shape Shifters...
Alp: spirit associated with nightmares, oft takes the form of a bird,
cat or other animal
Ecantado: a dolphin-being that has the ability to shapeshift into human form
Kitsune: japanese trickster that appears in the form of a fox or human,
or human with a fox face
Nix: a shape-shifter who can appear as human, snake, fish, horse
or mermaid
Selkie: seal-like being that can shapeshift into human form
Skin walker: a human that has the ability to shapeshift into an animal form
by wearing its skin
Werewolf: a human that physically transforms into a wolf
Harbingers of things to Come...
Banshee: female spirit or faery who shrieks out at night to portend a death
Bird: crow or raven; messenger from the otherworld and harbinger
of all things
Black Dog: a canine that foretells death; a black shadow with red, glowing eyes
Church Grim: a sacrificed animal buried alive beside a new church whose spirit
it haunts
Doppelganger: an astral duplicate of a living human; an omen of death if you
see your own
Each Uisque: supernatural waterhorse that predicts death by drowning or bad a weather
Mermaid: female being with a fish-like tail, forebodes death and disaster
for sailors
Nix: shapeshifter who predicts death by drowning
Reaper: a being who harvests souls before theyr time
Witchlein: a goblin who announces death by knocking thrice
Woman in White: a female apparition that portends death
Serpent Creatures and Dragons...
Amphisbaena: two-headed serpent portrayed as a dragon
Amphitere: a small winged serpent closely related to the wyvern
Basilisk: small serpent able to liquify flesh with its touch
Drake: a fire-breathing dragon
Gorgon: winged female being with serpents for her hair; medusa
Hydra: a large sea serpent or dragon with more than one head
Jacaras: a vampyric snake creature
Jormungandr: serpent long enough to wrap himself around the world and
swallow its tail
Melusine: sometimes winged, a woman with human upper body and fish
or serpent-like lower
Naga: divine snake-like being with human attributes
Quetzalcoatl: aztec feathered serpent deity
Wyrm: very olde serpent or dragon
Xiuhcoatl: aztec fire serpent
Zaltys: a small, guardian snake that brings good fortune
Fantastical Horses...
Ceffyl Dwr: flying water horse related to the faerys
Centaur: a being with the head and torso of a man, the lower half of a horse
Each Uisque: harbinger shapeshifter that also feeds on the flesh of humans
Karkadann: a carnivorous unicorn found in the desert regions of
north africa and india
Kelpie: supernatural waterhorse found near rivers and lakes of scotland
Noggle: small, grrey horse with supernatural powers
Pegasus: a flying horse with wings, favoured by the gods
Unicorn: pure, white horse with a single spiral growing from its forehead
Xanthas: name of the immortal horse with the power of speech
The Vampyre...
Bajang: a vampyre with the ability to transform into a cat
Chupacabra: small creature with large hind legs, a reptilian head and large,
oval eyes; feeds on the blood of small animals and humans
Dearg-due: an irish vampyric creature with bat wings
Dhampir: offspring of a vampyre father and human mother
Langsuyar: a female vampye that has produced an undead offspring
Lobishomen: a blood-sucking werewolf
Yuki-onna: a beautiful, but deadly snow queen with long, black hair
and white, white skin
Fallen Angel: an angel that has fallen into sin and exiled from the heavens
Familiar: a spirit, oft in the form of an animal, who assists with magick
and witchcraft
Goblin: malformed creature, cousin to the faery
Imp: small, mischevious daemon related to the faery
Inccubus: a male daemon who attempts sexual intercourse with a female;
energy drainer, vampyre
Jinn: invisible shape-shifter that appears in the form of animal
or human; a genie
Nightmare: a daemon that causes bad dreams
Poltergeist: noisy, mischevious spirit, a ghost or a goblin
She-daemon: an evil female being or spirit
Succubus: female daemon who attempts intercourse with a male and
drinks theyr blood, drains theyr energy
**for the faery folk,, refer to section faery witchery!!**
our skies and seas with monsters." -The Mothman Prophesies.
Angel of Death: the angel who assists humans upon theyr transition into the afterlife
Archangel: the highest ranking angels in the heavens
Cherub: portrayed as either a chubby, cupid-like child or less commonly known;
a multi-headed beast
Fallen Angel: an angel exiled from the heavens, curious of earth and darker
Gaurdian Angel: the angel who protects and guides you throughout your life
Nephilim: offspring of fallen angels and humans; the gods of sumeria
Non-Physical Beings...
Angels: spiritual messenger created by god as a way to communicate
with humans
Apparition: a visible spirit; disembodied person, a ghost
Elemental: nature spirit that represents one of the four elements
Ghost: a disembodied being, ususally human
Phantom: an apparition or something that can only be seen in the mind
or a dream
Poltergeist: a noisy, mischevious spirit connected to a living person, usually
an adolescent girl
Shadow Cat: an other-dimensional creature resembling a cat made
from the shadows
Shadow People: dark, vaprous entities in vaguely, human form; said to be
our darker self
Soul: the immortal part of people, seperates from the body at time of death
Spirit: an incorporeal being, a faery or angel; the energy of humans
Wraith: an apparition of a living or dead person, that appears to portend death
Shape Shifters...
Alp: spirit associated with nightmares, oft takes the form of a bird,
cat or other animal
Ecantado: a dolphin-being that has the ability to shapeshift into human form
Kitsune: japanese trickster that appears in the form of a fox or human,
or human with a fox face
Nix: a shape-shifter who can appear as human, snake, fish, horse
or mermaid
Selkie: seal-like being that can shapeshift into human form
Skin walker: a human that has the ability to shapeshift into an animal form
by wearing its skin
Werewolf: a human that physically transforms into a wolf
Harbingers of things to Come...
Banshee: female spirit or faery who shrieks out at night to portend a death
Bird: crow or raven; messenger from the otherworld and harbinger
of all things
Black Dog: a canine that foretells death; a black shadow with red, glowing eyes
Church Grim: a sacrificed animal buried alive beside a new church whose spirit
it haunts
Doppelganger: an astral duplicate of a living human; an omen of death if you
see your own
Each Uisque: supernatural waterhorse that predicts death by drowning or bad a weather
Mermaid: female being with a fish-like tail, forebodes death and disaster
for sailors
Nix: shapeshifter who predicts death by drowning
Reaper: a being who harvests souls before theyr time
Witchlein: a goblin who announces death by knocking thrice
Woman in White: a female apparition that portends death
Serpent Creatures and Dragons...
Amphisbaena: two-headed serpent portrayed as a dragon
Amphitere: a small winged serpent closely related to the wyvern
Basilisk: small serpent able to liquify flesh with its touch
Drake: a fire-breathing dragon
Gorgon: winged female being with serpents for her hair; medusa
Hydra: a large sea serpent or dragon with more than one head
Jacaras: a vampyric snake creature
Jormungandr: serpent long enough to wrap himself around the world and
swallow its tail
Melusine: sometimes winged, a woman with human upper body and fish
or serpent-like lower
Naga: divine snake-like being with human attributes
Quetzalcoatl: aztec feathered serpent deity
Wyrm: very olde serpent or dragon
Xiuhcoatl: aztec fire serpent
Zaltys: a small, guardian snake that brings good fortune
Fantastical Horses...
Ceffyl Dwr: flying water horse related to the faerys
Centaur: a being with the head and torso of a man, the lower half of a horse
Each Uisque: harbinger shapeshifter that also feeds on the flesh of humans
Karkadann: a carnivorous unicorn found in the desert regions of
north africa and india
Kelpie: supernatural waterhorse found near rivers and lakes of scotland
Noggle: small, grrey horse with supernatural powers
Pegasus: a flying horse with wings, favoured by the gods
Unicorn: pure, white horse with a single spiral growing from its forehead
Xanthas: name of the immortal horse with the power of speech
The Vampyre...
Bajang: a vampyre with the ability to transform into a cat
Chupacabra: small creature with large hind legs, a reptilian head and large,
oval eyes; feeds on the blood of small animals and humans
Dearg-due: an irish vampyric creature with bat wings
Dhampir: offspring of a vampyre father and human mother
Langsuyar: a female vampye that has produced an undead offspring
Lobishomen: a blood-sucking werewolf
Yuki-onna: a beautiful, but deadly snow queen with long, black hair
and white, white skin
Fallen Angel: an angel that has fallen into sin and exiled from the heavens
Familiar: a spirit, oft in the form of an animal, who assists with magick
and witchcraft
Goblin: malformed creature, cousin to the faery
Imp: small, mischevious daemon related to the faery
Inccubus: a male daemon who attempts sexual intercourse with a female;
energy drainer, vampyre
Jinn: invisible shape-shifter that appears in the form of animal
or human; a genie
Nightmare: a daemon that causes bad dreams
Poltergeist: noisy, mischevious spirit, a ghost or a goblin
She-daemon: an evil female being or spirit
Succubus: female daemon who attempts intercourse with a male and
drinks theyr blood, drains theyr energy
**for the faery folk,, refer to section faery witchery!!**
Words of Enchantment
Accio: to Summon an object
Augauamenti: to find Water- use in conjuction with a pendulum or divining sticks
Alohomora: to Unlock a doorway
Anapneo: to Breathe. Clears the airways of the lungs, good for asthma
Appareo: to become Visible
Colligere: to Bind together
Colloportus: to Seal a doorway. Colligere and portus
Diffindo: to Split. Causes seperations
Dissimulo: to Conceal. Disguises or keeps something secret
Episkeyi: to Repair
Finis: to End. Resolution of a matter
Homorphus: to Transform. For shape-shifting, not very easy and use extreme
Libaro: to set Free. Liberate something
Levo: to Levitate. Raise and lift up an object
Lumos: to Illuminate.
Nox: to make Dark. Darken and hidden
Porta: to make or open a Gateway or portal
Protego: to Protect. Call in the protection of a particular god or goddess
Patronus: to call in your Patron god for protection
Reparo: to Restore. Mend a broken object
Specialis Revelio: to unveil special, Hidden magickal workings
Tergeo: to Cleanse. Wipe or clean any unwanted residues
Augauamenti: to find Water- use in conjuction with a pendulum or divining sticks
Alohomora: to Unlock a doorway
Anapneo: to Breathe. Clears the airways of the lungs, good for asthma
Appareo: to become Visible
Colligere: to Bind together
Colloportus: to Seal a doorway. Colligere and portus
Diffindo: to Split. Causes seperations
Dissimulo: to Conceal. Disguises or keeps something secret
Episkeyi: to Repair
Finis: to End. Resolution of a matter
Homorphus: to Transform. For shape-shifting, not very easy and use extreme
Libaro: to set Free. Liberate something
Levo: to Levitate. Raise and lift up an object
Lumos: to Illuminate.
Nox: to make Dark. Darken and hidden
Porta: to make or open a Gateway or portal
Protego: to Protect. Call in the protection of a particular god or goddess
Patronus: to call in your Patron god for protection
Reparo: to Restore. Mend a broken object
Specialis Revelio: to unveil special, Hidden magickal workings
Tergeo: to Cleanse. Wipe or clean any unwanted residues
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
The Pagan Alphabet, a way to help you remember...
A is for Athame the dagger that we use
B is for Beltaine when partners we choose
C is for Circle where we are all one
D is for Deosil path of the sun
E is for Esbat when we gather around
F is for Fire and its cracking sound
G is for the Goddess in beauty and love
H is for the Horned One our father above
I is for Imbolg candles light the way
J is for June when its Midsummers day
K is for Karma and the things that we do
L is Lammas harvests almost through
M is for Moon riding way up so
N is for Night time which darkens the sky
O is for Ostara when we hunt for eggs
P is for Pan and his hairy goat legs
Q is for the Quarters and theyr are just four
R is for the Rites when we open the Door
S is for Samhain the end of the year
T is for Tarot and the futures to hear
U is for Undines from the watery west
V is for Vervain for protection and rest
W is for Widdershins, the path of the moon
X is the sign for God
Y is for Yule and the sun's return
Z is for the Zodiac and theyr are twelve
B is for Beltaine when partners we choose
C is for Circle where we are all one
D is for Deosil path of the sun
E is for Esbat when we gather around
F is for Fire and its cracking sound
G is for the Goddess in beauty and love
H is for the Horned One our father above
I is for Imbolg candles light the way
J is for June when its Midsummers day
K is for Karma and the things that we do
L is Lammas harvests almost through
M is for Moon riding way up so
N is for Night time which darkens the sky
O is for Ostara when we hunt for eggs
P is for Pan and his hairy goat legs
Q is for the Quarters and theyr are just four
R is for the Rites when we open the Door
S is for Samhain the end of the year
T is for Tarot and the futures to hear
U is for Undines from the watery west
V is for Vervain for protection and rest
W is for Widdershins, the path of the moon
X is the sign for God
Y is for Yule and the sun's return
Z is for the Zodiac and theyr are twelve
A little bit of Magick...
- To Bind ye spell well every time, let the spell be spoke in rhyme.
- Wear you hair loose to increase the power of your spell.
- Add orris root powder to a love spell to increase its potency.
- Make bread into the shape of a dollar sign, this will serve as an offering for a money spell.
- To stop marital feuding, cut and cook cabbage during a waning moon.
- Light a black candle to dispel and absorb negative energies when conducting a protection spell.
- Scatter black cohosh leaves in the corner of a room to dispel any residing negativity.
- Carry a mojo bag of sage to keep the evil eye from looking at you.
- A candle which burns with a blue flame, is said to indicate that theyr is a spirit in the room.
- Call upon the goddess Bellona when communicating with the departed, her offerings include apples and bloodstones.
- Faery Paths are also known as Ley lines.
Bide within the witches law ye must
In perfect Love and perfect trust
Live you must and let to live
Fairly take and fairly give
Light of eye and soft of touch
Speak you little and listen much
Honour the Olde Ones in deed and name
Let Love and Light be our guides again
Merry meet and Merry part
Bright the cheeks and warm the heart
Mind the threefold Laws you should
Three times bad and three times good
These eight words the Witches Rede fulfill;
An' it harm none, do what ye Will.
Witchy Blessings...
We witches give thanks to the Mighty Ones
For the richness and goodness of life.
As theyr must be rain with the sun,
To make all things good,
So must we suffer with our joy,
to know all things.
Our love is ever with the Gods,
For though we know not theyr thoughts,
Yet we do know theyr hearts-
That all is for our good...
Blessed be my feet, that take me on my path
Blessed be my knees, that support me before the Divine
Blessed be my abdomen, that gives me inner strength
Blessed be my breast, that holds my heart true to them
Blessed be my lips, that speak the secret names
blessed be my eyes, that see the beauty of theyr Love
Blessed be my mind, that seeks theyr knowldege and theyr whysdom.
How to make Moon Cakes...
Make this mixture beforehand and refridgerate, ready to cook when needed.
1 cup self-raising flower
a pinch of salt
2-3 tablespoons oil
2-3 tablespoons honey
The four ingrediants represent the four elements, shape the white cakes into the moon to represent the goddess.
The Pentacle and the Pentagram...
Topmost Point: Spirit; the All and the DivineLower Lefthand Point: Earth; Stability and Physical Endurance
Lower Right Point: Fire; Courage and Daring
Upper Right Point: Water; Emotions and Intuition
Upper Lefthand Point: Air; Intelligence and the Arts.
Spring Equinox 21-23 Sept: Growth of new projects
Summer Solstice 21-23 Dec: Blessings and Thanks
Autumn Equinox 21-23 March: Harvesting
Winter Solstice 21-23 June: Renewal and Rebirth
Gypsy Prayer...
Ive seen you where you never whereSummer Solstice 21-23 Dec: Blessings and Thanks
Autumn Equinox 21-23 March: Harvesting
Winter Solstice 21-23 June: Renewal and Rebirth
Gypsy Prayer...
And where you never will be
And yet within that very place
You can be seen by me.
For to tell what they do not know
Is the art of the Romany.
Do they Love me apple Spell...
To determine whether or not someone loves you, take an apple and eat it til you find a seed. Remove this seed and call it by the same name as the one you love. With a pin, inscribe the name of your loved one upon the candle. Now light the candle and leave it to burn for the moment, then drop the seed into the candle flame. If it makes a cracking sound, the one that you desire can barely contain theyr feelings about you. Lastly, snuff the candle out.
Healing Chant...
by Vivienne Crowley.This is the spell that we intone,
Flesh to Flesh and Bone to Bone.
Sinew to Sinew and Vein to Vein,
And each one shall be Whole again.
See your future Companion...
by Mary E. Blain,, 1912.Walk backward several feet out of doors in moonlight with mirror in your hand. Or within doors with candle in one hand and mirror in the other, repeating the following rhyme, and the face of your future companion will appear in the glass:
"Round and Round, O stars so fair!
Ye travel and search out everywhere;
I pray you, sweet stars, now show to me
This night who my future husband shall be."
A charm for Abundance...
Say thrice;
As the waves of the ocean are infinite,
As the trees in the forest grow tall.
Let my work now bring me to harvest;
I am ready to reap my allow.
A charm for Good Fortune...
Luna mia, bella Luna!
piu di una altra stella;
Tu sei sempre bella!
Portatemi la buona fortuna!
Moon, Moon, Beautiful Moon!
Fairer far than any star;
Moon, O Moon, if it may be,
Bring good fortune unto me!
A charm of most desperate Love...
To be written with a ravens quill in the blood of the ring finger of the left hand.
"By the power of Aonghus God of Love,
may thou follow me.
As light to the eye,
As bread to the hungry,
As joy to the heart
May thy presence be with me,
O, one that I love,
Till death comes to part us asunder."
Bad Vibes and Energy...
Chant thrice turning anticlockwise;
"Thrice around the circle's bound
Evil sink into the ground."
The most powerful charms are the ones we create ourselves~
Bella's Charms...
Astral Travel;
Travel far and wide
With the goddess by my side,
Protected with her Love
As I visit the stars above!
Come to me, my Love
Soul mate, my perfect one
Joined together, always Forever
True Love is you and me.
Glamour Magick...
To change your Eye colour.
To be done in the dark of the night. You will need to light to candles; one of orange and the other pink.
Close your Eyes. Ensure that you have complete and total focus with no interruptions, concentrating on the spell only.
Fill your mind with the colour your eyes already are, picture that in your mind for about five minutes. Then picture the colour you wish your eyes to be. Chant:
"Become of Me." three times.
Repeat this whole process twice and you will see changes throughout your day. Repeat this every night until the colour of your eyes are as you wish them to be.
To moderately change your Appearance.
Look into the flame of a Pink candle, whilst you do chant:
"Blazing Fire as you dance,
Call upon my Sacred Glance.
Call upon my Second Sight,
Give me _________ (describe what you want),
With your Sacred Light.
Blazing Fire shining bright,
Give me Now my second sight."
Eye Glamour Spell.
Light one or more candles the same colour you wish your eyes to be. Sit the candles atop of a pentacle and stare into the flame, and clear your mind of all else. Chant thrice or more:
"1, 2, 3 change for me; 1, 2, 3 (current eye colour)
to (colour you wish them to be).
Again, clear your thoughts of all else and chant thrice more:
"By the power of Three, Let it be Seen."
MoonShine StarShine Glamour Spell.
On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside. If this is not possible, open a window ensuring the moon shows in the reflection. Take a cutting from a picture of your desired feature, place it upon the mirror concentrating on the outcome you are wanting and chant:
"Moon Light, Star Light,
let the wind carry your light,
let your glow cover my body,
and let your Shine cover every eye."
Say this three times out loud and then concentrate on the part you wish to change, and chant:
"Moon Shine, Star Light,
Shape and mould my body,
As a rose is granted Beauty,
Let me blossom in your Light,
The Light that brings me Beauty,
And grant me Beauty three times three."
Repeat this chant thrice and once finished, light a Pink candle.
To be done in the dark of the night. You will need to light to candles; one of orange and the other pink.
Close your Eyes. Ensure that you have complete and total focus with no interruptions, concentrating on the spell only.
Fill your mind with the colour your eyes already are, picture that in your mind for about five minutes. Then picture the colour you wish your eyes to be. Chant:
"Become of Me." three times.
Repeat this whole process twice and you will see changes throughout your day. Repeat this every night until the colour of your eyes are as you wish them to be.
To moderately change your Appearance.
Look into the flame of a Pink candle, whilst you do chant:
"Blazing Fire as you dance,
Call upon my Sacred Glance.
Call upon my Second Sight,
Give me _________ (describe what you want),
With your Sacred Light.
Blazing Fire shining bright,
Give me Now my second sight."
Eye Glamour Spell.
Light one or more candles the same colour you wish your eyes to be. Sit the candles atop of a pentacle and stare into the flame, and clear your mind of all else. Chant thrice or more:
"1, 2, 3 change for me; 1, 2, 3 (current eye colour)
to (colour you wish them to be).
Again, clear your thoughts of all else and chant thrice more:
"By the power of Three, Let it be Seen."
MoonShine StarShine Glamour Spell.
On a full moon, take a mirror and go outside. If this is not possible, open a window ensuring the moon shows in the reflection. Take a cutting from a picture of your desired feature, place it upon the mirror concentrating on the outcome you are wanting and chant:
"Moon Light, Star Light,
let the wind carry your light,
let your glow cover my body,
and let your Shine cover every eye."
Say this three times out loud and then concentrate on the part you wish to change, and chant:
"Moon Shine, Star Light,
Shape and mould my body,
As a rose is granted Beauty,
Let me blossom in your Light,
The Light that brings me Beauty,
And grant me Beauty three times three."
Repeat this chant thrice and once finished, light a Pink candle.
Across the Way, I found some Fae... a true story
A decade of summers ago, an elf decided to aquaint himself with me, and led a young woman into the worlde few are rarely shown. Thrice he visited me, the third being the last. I was young, pregnant with my first born son and very much alone and living in the bush with no electricity or modern conveniences.
He was small, and funnily enough although it was yet a few years away, bore a remarkable resemblance to Orlanda Bloom in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Alvin as he wished to be known, attired himself in mediaeval Knight regalia giving an impression of importance and guardianhood.
Theyr was a small river at the bottom of the property I called home, my favourite place that I called Faery Grotto. Even before I knew that was were the faery did indeed dwell, I sensed the magick and mystery. Just like any other day and reading a book, theyr became a quiet in the atmosphere and the feeling of being watched started to invade my thoughts distracting me. My eyes drifted towards the river, and once more saw the elvish man over the river across the way.
He stood atop a broken branch that stretched like a bridge, protruding from the muddy bank. Standing straight, tall and proud his stance as Guardian of the faery grotto. He had upon himself a long silver sword that he grasped, with the blade down wedged into the ground. Although he never spoke, he let me know his name Alvin. The oddest, un-elfish name I would have thought. My apologies Sir Alvin!
The elf who stood theyr looking at me was only the beginning, as I said he stood guard of my faery grotto and must of let me in out of good grace. Only ever the once, and most surely a priviledge did I see, the muddy edge was alive and full with mythical life. Sylphs the size of dragonflys, the sun reflecting shimmers of colours as they frolicked through the air. Undines swam and played in the river end, theyr mermaid tails or theyr long legs making tiny splashes in the water as fish do. One chose for herself a patch of sun to warm on the bank.
Little work men trekked through the mud one foot in front of the other. Carrying picks and shovels, they manouvered around a tight, winding path. The funniest and best sight, my favourite and the one that really made me aware of where i actually was, was an extremely cranky and more than cross olde woman. This not very pleasant grandmother faery looked very aghast that I had dared disturb the privacy of her own home, and more perturbed at the thought that I had actually looked upon her. Her house was truly amazing, it was dug out and built into the mud of the river edge with a house really inside. You could see the rooms through the windows and it even had a front door. The olde faery stood at her top window looking out at me and slammed the shutter straight in my shocked face, but not before releasing a tirade of abuse and probably name calling, pointing her gnarly olde finger at me. Reflecting back, I think I may have been naive in thinking that the faery had been a tad rude to me, because it was I in fact who had invaded her domain.
Unable now throughout the course of time and the forgetfulness that comes with, knowing if i was in either a reverie or trance, but I was very clearminded during this and a little foggy for awhile after. The fading of this worlde and my leaving it happened at the same moment the cross olde faery shut her window, letting me know it was time to leave. Although the faery grotto and its other inhabitants were welcoming, I turned my back on this worlde but not before filling my eyes to the brim with the faery magick all around me, parting ways and back home to my worlde.
He was small, and funnily enough although it was yet a few years away, bore a remarkable resemblance to Orlanda Bloom in the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Alvin as he wished to be known, attired himself in mediaeval Knight regalia giving an impression of importance and guardianhood.
Theyr was a small river at the bottom of the property I called home, my favourite place that I called Faery Grotto. Even before I knew that was were the faery did indeed dwell, I sensed the magick and mystery. Just like any other day and reading a book, theyr became a quiet in the atmosphere and the feeling of being watched started to invade my thoughts distracting me. My eyes drifted towards the river, and once more saw the elvish man over the river across the way.
He stood atop a broken branch that stretched like a bridge, protruding from the muddy bank. Standing straight, tall and proud his stance as Guardian of the faery grotto. He had upon himself a long silver sword that he grasped, with the blade down wedged into the ground. Although he never spoke, he let me know his name Alvin. The oddest, un-elfish name I would have thought. My apologies Sir Alvin!
The elf who stood theyr looking at me was only the beginning, as I said he stood guard of my faery grotto and must of let me in out of good grace. Only ever the once, and most surely a priviledge did I see, the muddy edge was alive and full with mythical life. Sylphs the size of dragonflys, the sun reflecting shimmers of colours as they frolicked through the air. Undines swam and played in the river end, theyr mermaid tails or theyr long legs making tiny splashes in the water as fish do. One chose for herself a patch of sun to warm on the bank.
Little work men trekked through the mud one foot in front of the other. Carrying picks and shovels, they manouvered around a tight, winding path. The funniest and best sight, my favourite and the one that really made me aware of where i actually was, was an extremely cranky and more than cross olde woman. This not very pleasant grandmother faery looked very aghast that I had dared disturb the privacy of her own home, and more perturbed at the thought that I had actually looked upon her. Her house was truly amazing, it was dug out and built into the mud of the river edge with a house really inside. You could see the rooms through the windows and it even had a front door. The olde faery stood at her top window looking out at me and slammed the shutter straight in my shocked face, but not before releasing a tirade of abuse and probably name calling, pointing her gnarly olde finger at me. Reflecting back, I think I may have been naive in thinking that the faery had been a tad rude to me, because it was I in fact who had invaded her domain.
Unable now throughout the course of time and the forgetfulness that comes with, knowing if i was in either a reverie or trance, but I was very clearminded during this and a little foggy for awhile after. The fading of this worlde and my leaving it happened at the same moment the cross olde faery shut her window, letting me know it was time to leave. Although the faery grotto and its other inhabitants were welcoming, I turned my back on this worlde but not before filling my eyes to the brim with the faery magick all around me, parting ways and back home to my worlde.
Monday, October 11, 2010
Herbal Whysdoms...
A hystory of herbals and magick...
Utnapishtim said to him, to Gilgamesh:
Gilgamesh, you came here,
You strained, you toiled.
What can I give you as you return to your land?
Let me uncover for you, Gilgamesh, a secret thing.
A secret of the gods let me tell you.
There is a plant its roots go deep, like boxthorn;
Its spike will prick your hand like a bramble.
if you get your hands on the plant,
You'll have ever-lasting life. -The Epic of Gilgamesh, 1600 b.c.e
The herb doctors and physicians of Sumer, Babylon, Assyria and Egypt believed in no uncertain terms that their craft was a gift from the gods, and the gods themselves were its first practitioners. The knowledge of the curative properties of plants, water, and oil was considered a divine art whose secrets were jealously guarded, and passed down in oral traditions. when men first learned to write they commited these teachings to clay tablets and rolls of papyrus, and drew up the first lists of medicinal herbs. In these ancient herbalsmedicine and magic are almost inextricably mixed together; though it is clear they had a real knowledge of primitive medicine. as herbalists they took with them their box of medicines and as magicians their magic rods, which were the symbols of their profession.
-The Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist; Sir E.A Budge, 1928.
Olde Herbs Translated...
a bone of an ibis buckthorn
adders fork ohio glossum vulgatem, a fern
an eagle wild garlic
a hawks heart heart of wormwood
a lions hairs tongue of turnip (taproot leaves)
a mans bile turnip sap
a pigs tail leopards bane
ass foot colts foot
a titans blood wild lettuce
bats wings holly
bears foot ladys mantle
blood from a head lupine
blood from a shoulder acanthus mollis
blood of a goose a mulberry trees milk
blood of an eye tamarisk gall
blood of ares purslane
blood of hephasistos wormwood
blood of hestia chammomile
bulls blood coltsfoot
bulls foot coltsfoot
calfs snout snapdragon
chronos' blood cedar
fat from a head spurge
from the belly earth apple
from the foot house leek
from the loins chammomile
graveyard dust mullein or ground patchouli leaves
hairs of a hamadryas baboon dill juice
sand of a hamadryas baoon dill juice
seed of horus coltsfoot
semen of ammon house leek
semen of ares clover
semen of helios white hellebore
semen of herakles mustard rocket
semen of hermes dill
sparrows tongue knotwood
tears, or sleep dill juice
unicorn root ague root
wolfs claw club moss
wolfs milk euphorbia
Magickal Plant Substitutes...
Tobacco for any poisonous herb
Rose for any flower
Rosemary for any other herb
Frankincense or Copal for any gum resin
Acacia: Gum Arabic
Acacia Gum: Gum arabic
Aconite: Tobacco
Arabic, Gum: Frankincense; Gum Mastic for binding wet ingrediants
Ammoniac, Gum: Asafoetida
Asafoetida: Tobacco; Valerian
Balm of Gilead Rose Buds
Bdellium, Gum: Copal; Pine Resin; Dragons Blood
Belladonna: Tobacco
Benzoin: Gum Arabic
Cachana: Anjelica Root
Camphor Oil Eucalyptus Oil; Lavender Oil
Carnation: Rose Petals anointed with few drops of Clove Oil
Cassia: Cinnamon
Castor Bean: few drops Castor oil
Cedar: Sandalwood
Cinque Foil: Clover; Trefoil
Citron: equal parts Orange peel and Lemon Peel
Clove: Mace, Nutmeg
Clover: Cinquefoil
Copal: Frankincense; Cedar
Cowbane: Tobacco
Cypress: Juniper; Pine Needles
Deerstongue: Vanilla, Woodruff, Tonka Bean
Dittany of Crete: Gum Mastic
Dragons Blood: equal parts Frankincense and Red Sandalwood
Eucalyptus Oil: Camphor Oil; Lavender Oil
Euphorbium: Tobacco
Frankincense: Copal; Pine Resin
Galangal: Ginger Root
Grains of Paradise: Black Pepper
Hellebore: Tobacco; Nettle
Hemlock: Tobacco
Hemp: Nutmeg; Damiana; Star Anise; Bay Leaves
Henbane: Tobacco
Hyssop: Lavender
Ivy: Cinque Foil
Jasmine: Rose
Juniper: Pine
Lavender: Rose
Lemon Grass: Lemon Peel
Lemon Verbena: Lemon Grass; Lemon Peel
Mace: Nutmeg
Mandrake: Tobacco
Mastic, Gum: Frankincense; Gum Arabic
Mint (any type): Sage
Mugwort: Wormwood
Neroli Oil: Orange Oil
Nightshade: Tobacco
Nutmeg: Cinnamon; Mace
Oak Moss: Patchouli
Orange: Tangerine Peel
Patchouli: Oak Moss
Peppermint: Spearmint
Pepperwort: Rue, Black Pepper
Pine: Juniper
Pine Resin: Copal; Frankincense
Red Sandalwood: Sandalwood mixed with pinch Dragons Blood
Rose: Yarrow
Rose Geranium: Rose
Rue: Rosemsry mixed with dash Black Pepper
Saffron: Orange Peel
Sandalwood: Cedar
Sarsparilla: Sassafras
Spearmint: Peppermint
Sulphur: Tobacco; Asafoetida
Thyme: Rosemary
Tobacco: Bay Leaves
Tonka Beans: Deerstongue; Woodruff; Vanilla Bean
Trefoil: Cinquefoil
Valerian: Asafoetida
Vanilla: Woodruff; Tonka Bean; Deerstongue
Vetivert: Calamus
Wolfsbane: Tobacco
Wood Aloe: Sandalwood sprinkled with Ambergris Oil
Woodruff: Vanilla; Deerstongue
Wormwood: Mugwort
Yarrow: Rose
Yew: Tobacco
Utnapishtim said to him, to Gilgamesh:
Gilgamesh, you came here,
You strained, you toiled.
What can I give you as you return to your land?
Let me uncover for you, Gilgamesh, a secret thing.
A secret of the gods let me tell you.
There is a plant its roots go deep, like boxthorn;
Its spike will prick your hand like a bramble.
if you get your hands on the plant,
You'll have ever-lasting life. -The Epic of Gilgamesh, 1600 b.c.e
The herb doctors and physicians of Sumer, Babylon, Assyria and Egypt believed in no uncertain terms that their craft was a gift from the gods, and the gods themselves were its first practitioners. The knowledge of the curative properties of plants, water, and oil was considered a divine art whose secrets were jealously guarded, and passed down in oral traditions. when men first learned to write they commited these teachings to clay tablets and rolls of papyrus, and drew up the first lists of medicinal herbs. In these ancient herbalsmedicine and magic are almost inextricably mixed together; though it is clear they had a real knowledge of primitive medicine. as herbalists they took with them their box of medicines and as magicians their magic rods, which were the symbols of their profession.
-The Divine Origin of the Craft of the Herbalist; Sir E.A Budge, 1928.
Olde Herbs Translated...
a bone of an ibis buckthorn
adders fork ohio glossum vulgatem, a fern
an eagle wild garlic
a hawks heart heart of wormwood
a lions hairs tongue of turnip (taproot leaves)
a mans bile turnip sap
a pigs tail leopards bane
ass foot colts foot
a titans blood wild lettuce
bats wings holly
bears foot ladys mantle
blood from a head lupine
blood from a shoulder acanthus mollis
blood of a goose a mulberry trees milk
blood of an eye tamarisk gall
blood of ares purslane
blood of hephasistos wormwood
blood of hestia chammomile
bulls blood coltsfoot
bulls foot coltsfoot
calfs snout snapdragon
chronos' blood cedar
fat from a head spurge
from the belly earth apple
from the foot house leek
from the loins chammomile
graveyard dust mullein or ground patchouli leaves
hairs of a hamadryas baboon dill juice
sand of a hamadryas baoon dill juice
seed of horus coltsfoot
semen of ammon house leek
semen of ares clover
semen of helios white hellebore
semen of herakles mustard rocket
semen of hermes dill
sparrows tongue knotwood
tears, or sleep dill juice
unicorn root ague root
wolfs claw club moss
wolfs milk euphorbia
Magickal Plant Substitutes...
Tobacco for any poisonous herb
Rose for any flower
Rosemary for any other herb
Frankincense or Copal for any gum resin
Acacia: Gum Arabic
Acacia Gum: Gum arabic
Aconite: Tobacco
Arabic, Gum: Frankincense; Gum Mastic for binding wet ingrediants
Ammoniac, Gum: Asafoetida
Asafoetida: Tobacco; Valerian
Balm of Gilead Rose Buds
Bdellium, Gum: Copal; Pine Resin; Dragons Blood
Belladonna: Tobacco
Benzoin: Gum Arabic
Cachana: Anjelica Root
Camphor Oil Eucalyptus Oil; Lavender Oil
Carnation: Rose Petals anointed with few drops of Clove Oil
Cassia: Cinnamon
Castor Bean: few drops Castor oil
Cedar: Sandalwood
Cinque Foil: Clover; Trefoil
Citron: equal parts Orange peel and Lemon Peel
Clove: Mace, Nutmeg
Clover: Cinquefoil
Copal: Frankincense; Cedar
Cowbane: Tobacco
Cypress: Juniper; Pine Needles
Deerstongue: Vanilla, Woodruff, Tonka Bean
Dittany of Crete: Gum Mastic
Dragons Blood: equal parts Frankincense and Red Sandalwood
Eucalyptus Oil: Camphor Oil; Lavender Oil
Euphorbium: Tobacco
Frankincense: Copal; Pine Resin
Galangal: Ginger Root
Grains of Paradise: Black Pepper
Hellebore: Tobacco; Nettle
Hemlock: Tobacco
Hemp: Nutmeg; Damiana; Star Anise; Bay Leaves
Henbane: Tobacco
Hyssop: Lavender
Ivy: Cinque Foil
Jasmine: Rose
Juniper: Pine
Lavender: Rose
Lemon Grass: Lemon Peel
Lemon Verbena: Lemon Grass; Lemon Peel
Mace: Nutmeg
Mandrake: Tobacco
Mastic, Gum: Frankincense; Gum Arabic
Mint (any type): Sage
Mugwort: Wormwood
Neroli Oil: Orange Oil
Nightshade: Tobacco
Nutmeg: Cinnamon; Mace
Oak Moss: Patchouli
Orange: Tangerine Peel
Patchouli: Oak Moss
Peppermint: Spearmint
Pepperwort: Rue, Black Pepper
Pine: Juniper
Pine Resin: Copal; Frankincense
Red Sandalwood: Sandalwood mixed with pinch Dragons Blood
Rose: Yarrow
Rose Geranium: Rose
Rue: Rosemsry mixed with dash Black Pepper
Saffron: Orange Peel
Sandalwood: Cedar
Sarsparilla: Sassafras
Spearmint: Peppermint
Sulphur: Tobacco; Asafoetida
Thyme: Rosemary
Tobacco: Bay Leaves
Tonka Beans: Deerstongue; Woodruff; Vanilla Bean
Trefoil: Cinquefoil
Valerian: Asafoetida
Vanilla: Woodruff; Tonka Bean; Deerstongue
Vetivert: Calamus
Wolfsbane: Tobacco
Wood Aloe: Sandalwood sprinkled with Ambergris Oil
Woodruff: Vanilla; Deerstongue
Wormwood: Mugwort
Yarrow: Rose
Yew: Tobacco
Sunday, October 10, 2010
Faery Witchery
"The river gives me life. Its waters sustain me. While it flows, I live. I feed not on flesh and water, but memories and emotions. I was once human now I am a legend. The humankind have a name for me and my kind, They call us the Sidhe, the fairy folk. Sometimes they whisper fairy woman, bean sidhe, banshee." -Legend of the Banshee; Irish ghosts and hauntings.
The magick of a faery witch comes from within, resonating a deep understanding of and communication with nature, its elements and its signs. Most often you will find that they lead a solitary existance shying away from covens and large groups, finding it more preferable to work theyr own magick within the faery realm. This alliance with the faery realm, its psychic impulses and energy are part of her daily life, can be difficult for others to sometimes understand leaving the faery witch sometimes lonely. Walking with one foot in each worlde is a very hard choice and difficult thing to balance and maintain, only the strong and pure of heart should proceed.
The faery witch has travelled between both worldes forming a natural psychic ability to both see and feel faery and spirtits, the trait also called fey. This magickal relationship between the witch and the faery becomes a close bond and can be very enticing. She surrounds herself with nature, the animal kingdom and beautiful things, occaionally threatening to overwhelm her and her household.
Animals are instictively trusting of the faery witch, they will be drawn to them oft times with curiosity, but also to convey messages from the spirit world and fae. Entrusted with the gift of not only second sight, faery witches are also charmers and healers. A desire for mystery, magick and mythology she appears to others as different, seeming otherworldly herself.
Faery witches are visionaries who express themselves through creativity because it makes theyr soul sing and feel connected to life. They are the story tellers, the painters and the poets dancing through life, bringing into our worlde the beauty of the fae; be it light or dark. For they know that both is needed as much as the other to maintain the balance and keep order.
Those who are born with fae blood flowing through theyr veins and those who ally themselves with these magickal and sometimes mischevious creatures, create a special aura around theyr being. Exuding beauty, glamour, joy, sexuality and charm even as she grows older. Seemingly, fragile in appearance when in fact they are much stronger a faery witch attracts many a dark or light energy or entity.
As they become much wiser in this worlde, she will realise that theyr are people who wish to keep a faery witch for themselves, consciously or not. Learning protection from psychic attacks and negative people is a must for they may one day threaten to overwhelm and possess the faery witch for her unique qualities and energy.
Enticing the fae...
Mistletoe is a magickal activator. When working with the faery to create a spell, incorporate a dash of the mistletoe flower plucked on summer solstice. This will empower your spells working faery magick, but don't forget to thank the plant first when taking the flower and tell it what it will be used for.
Heather is a most useful tool when working with the fae, making an offering of heather on Beltane eve will attract the good faery into your garden. It opens portals between our worlde and that of the fae, and made into a tincture used to cleanse your crystal ball enhances the visions shown.
Roses and lilacs planted in your garden not only looks pretty, the sweet scent lures the elementals who are unable to resist the beauty of the flowers.
Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the faery. Sprinkle it at the base of your door, and on window sills to invite them in and make the faerys welcome.
The holey stone is said to be a key or doorway into the faery kingdom. It is also believed to hold the power to bind a faery to one's service for a given period of time.
Faery Charms by Lady Wilde ...
-Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland, 1888.
How to have money always:
Take the feather of a black cock, go to the crossing points of three faery paths (ley line), and while holding the feather and a gold coloured coin, call the name of the goddess Aine three times, to bring you everlasing prosperity.
How to go invisible;
Gather the dandelion plant on the first full moon after the flower heads have appeared. Call on the powers of the goddess Bridget and ask her to grant your wish to be invisible. Walk three times right-hand wise around a sacred well. Scatter the dandelion plant around the well as you walk all the time wishing to be invisible.
In the in between times when day fades into night or spring melts into summer and at the in between
places where paths converge, a veil is parted between the worlds and one may enter the Otherworld. The world of the faery. But use much caution Dear Ones! For you have entered The Faery Crossing and none return unchanged. -Bendyth Y Mamau
The Realm of the Fae...
if you were ever to see a faery
Imps: Exist in pure chaos, they can free us from any limitations from within our own consciousness.
Dark Elves: Powerful guardians of the deeper mysteries who can destroy any invading negative energies or entities.
Earth Spirits: Gnomes absorb from the aethers and release the energy back into matter to give it life. They are formless, but do take the appearance of a very short, stocky human upon meeting a one. Theyr magick is the basic energy of life itself in its rawest form and can be used to help us attract money and fulfil our material needs.
Water Spirits: Undines govern chemistry and magnetism between things. They stimulate and feed our various emotions and spiritual impulses, create attraction between people and nourish our psychic abilities. Seen as a blur of colour, as we get closer they will take on the appearance of mermaids or animal form. They will help us attract love, develop psychically or healing.
Fire Spirits: Salamanders provide us with passion, motivation and will. They are the cause of most impulses and interact with teenagers to cause them to rebel authority and develop theyr free will and sexuality. Seen as sudden bursts of heat, they will also take the form of a salamander lizard. This highly evolved being encourages us to use our magickal powers.
Air Spirits: Sylphs are a pure source of light that produces inspiration, feeding and stimulating our minds. Ethereal in appearance and made from light, they will take form if seen of the traditional fairy. They help us with our spiritual and mystical developments and encourage our creativity.
adhene: medium sized faery, benevolent if left alone
banshee: a female spirit or faery whose chilling shrieks at night warn of impending doom
brownie: small faery that helps out with household chores in exchange for room and board
changeling: non-human fae child left in replacement of a stolen human child
dryad: forest nymph or tree spirit, given life to protect a certain tree.
dwarf: small human like being who lives underground and beneath mountains
elementals: spirits of earth, air, fire and water
elf: small mythical being with magickal powers
gnome: elemental being of the earth
goblin: malformed creature related to the fae, nasty and steals children
goblin: a mischevious creature who causes mechanical things to malfunction
imp: small, mischevious daemon related to the fae
leprechaun: little irish man, self appointed guardian of ancient treasures. cousin to the elf
mermaid: a female with a fish like tail who lives in the sea. the children of the god neptune
nymph: female nature goddess or spirit
puck: a forest childe, mischevious nature spirit
sprite: a small winged being, classic fairy type
sylph: the spirit of the element air
troll: hairy misshapen being who lives under ground and beneath bridges
urisk: an ugly, yet friendly elf like being
wichtlien: unslightly goblin who announces death by knocking three times
To summon a fayrie...
- by ms ashmole, 1406.
An excellent way to gett a fayrie, but for myself I call Margarett Barrance but this will obtaine any one that is not already bound. First get a broad square cristall or venus glasse in length and breadth 3 inches, then lay that glasse or cristall in the blood of a white henne 3 wednesdayes or 3 fridayes: then take it out wash it with holy aquae and fumigate it: then take 3 hazle sticks or wands of an yeare groth, pill them fayre and white, and make soe long as you can write the spirits name, or fayries name, which you call 3 times , on every sticke being made flatt one side, then bury them under some stone hill wheres you suppose fayrie's haunt, the wednesdays before you call she, and the fridaye following take them uppe and calle she, and the fridaye following tae them uppe and calle she at 8 or 3 or 10 of the clock which be goode planetts howres for that turne: but when you call, be in clean Life and turne thy face towards the East, when you have she bind her to that stone or glasse.
An unguent to annoynt under the eyelids evnnge and morninge, but especially when you call, or find your sighte not perfect. Putt sallet oyle into a viall glasse but first wash it with rose water, and marygold flower water, the flowers be gathered to the east, wah it til the oyle come white, then putt it into the glasse, ut supra, and put there to the buds of hollyhocke, the flowers of marygold: the flowers or topps of wilde time, the budds of younge hazle, and the time must be gatherred neare the side of a hille where fayries use to go oft, and the grasse of a fayrie throne, there, all these putt into the oyle, the glasse, and sett it to dissolve 3 dayes in the sonne, and thou keep it for thy use; ut supra.
The magick of a faery witch comes from within, resonating a deep understanding of and communication with nature, its elements and its signs. Most often you will find that they lead a solitary existance shying away from covens and large groups, finding it more preferable to work theyr own magick within the faery realm. This alliance with the faery realm, its psychic impulses and energy are part of her daily life, can be difficult for others to sometimes understand leaving the faery witch sometimes lonely. Walking with one foot in each worlde is a very hard choice and difficult thing to balance and maintain, only the strong and pure of heart should proceed.
The faery witch has travelled between both worldes forming a natural psychic ability to both see and feel faery and spirtits, the trait also called fey. This magickal relationship between the witch and the faery becomes a close bond and can be very enticing. She surrounds herself with nature, the animal kingdom and beautiful things, occaionally threatening to overwhelm her and her household.
Animals are instictively trusting of the faery witch, they will be drawn to them oft times with curiosity, but also to convey messages from the spirit world and fae. Entrusted with the gift of not only second sight, faery witches are also charmers and healers. A desire for mystery, magick and mythology she appears to others as different, seeming otherworldly herself.
Faery witches are visionaries who express themselves through creativity because it makes theyr soul sing and feel connected to life. They are the story tellers, the painters and the poets dancing through life, bringing into our worlde the beauty of the fae; be it light or dark. For they know that both is needed as much as the other to maintain the balance and keep order.
Those who are born with fae blood flowing through theyr veins and those who ally themselves with these magickal and sometimes mischevious creatures, create a special aura around theyr being. Exuding beauty, glamour, joy, sexuality and charm even as she grows older. Seemingly, fragile in appearance when in fact they are much stronger a faery witch attracts many a dark or light energy or entity.
As they become much wiser in this worlde, she will realise that theyr are people who wish to keep a faery witch for themselves, consciously or not. Learning protection from psychic attacks and negative people is a must for they may one day threaten to overwhelm and possess the faery witch for her unique qualities and energy.
Enticing the fae...
Mistletoe is a magickal activator. When working with the faery to create a spell, incorporate a dash of the mistletoe flower plucked on summer solstice. This will empower your spells working faery magick, but don't forget to thank the plant first when taking the flower and tell it what it will be used for.
Heather is a most useful tool when working with the fae, making an offering of heather on Beltane eve will attract the good faery into your garden. It opens portals between our worlde and that of the fae, and made into a tincture used to cleanse your crystal ball enhances the visions shown.
Roses and lilacs planted in your garden not only looks pretty, the sweet scent lures the elementals who are unable to resist the beauty of the flowers.
Wearing thyme will increase your ability to see the faery. Sprinkle it at the base of your door, and on window sills to invite them in and make the faerys welcome.
The holey stone is said to be a key or doorway into the faery kingdom. It is also believed to hold the power to bind a faery to one's service for a given period of time.
Faery Charms by Lady Wilde ...
-Ancient Legends, Mystic Charms and Superstitions of Ireland, 1888.
How to have money always:
Take the feather of a black cock, go to the crossing points of three faery paths (ley line), and while holding the feather and a gold coloured coin, call the name of the goddess Aine three times, to bring you everlasing prosperity.
How to go invisible;
Gather the dandelion plant on the first full moon after the flower heads have appeared. Call on the powers of the goddess Bridget and ask her to grant your wish to be invisible. Walk three times right-hand wise around a sacred well. Scatter the dandelion plant around the well as you walk all the time wishing to be invisible.
In the in between times when day fades into night or spring melts into summer and at the in between
places where paths converge, a veil is parted between the worlds and one may enter the Otherworld. The world of the faery. But use much caution Dear Ones! For you have entered The Faery Crossing and none return unchanged. -Bendyth Y Mamau
The Realm of the Fae...
if you were ever to see a faery
Imps: Exist in pure chaos, they can free us from any limitations from within our own consciousness.
Dark Elves: Powerful guardians of the deeper mysteries who can destroy any invading negative energies or entities.
Earth Spirits: Gnomes absorb from the aethers and release the energy back into matter to give it life. They are formless, but do take the appearance of a very short, stocky human upon meeting a one. Theyr magick is the basic energy of life itself in its rawest form and can be used to help us attract money and fulfil our material needs.
Water Spirits: Undines govern chemistry and magnetism between things. They stimulate and feed our various emotions and spiritual impulses, create attraction between people and nourish our psychic abilities. Seen as a blur of colour, as we get closer they will take on the appearance of mermaids or animal form. They will help us attract love, develop psychically or healing.
Fire Spirits: Salamanders provide us with passion, motivation and will. They are the cause of most impulses and interact with teenagers to cause them to rebel authority and develop theyr free will and sexuality. Seen as sudden bursts of heat, they will also take the form of a salamander lizard. This highly evolved being encourages us to use our magickal powers.
Air Spirits: Sylphs are a pure source of light that produces inspiration, feeding and stimulating our minds. Ethereal in appearance and made from light, they will take form if seen of the traditional fairy. They help us with our spiritual and mystical developments and encourage our creativity.
adhene: medium sized faery, benevolent if left alone
banshee: a female spirit or faery whose chilling shrieks at night warn of impending doom
brownie: small faery that helps out with household chores in exchange for room and board
changeling: non-human fae child left in replacement of a stolen human child
dryad: forest nymph or tree spirit, given life to protect a certain tree.
dwarf: small human like being who lives underground and beneath mountains
elementals: spirits of earth, air, fire and water
elf: small mythical being with magickal powers
gnome: elemental being of the earth
goblin: malformed creature related to the fae, nasty and steals children
goblin: a mischevious creature who causes mechanical things to malfunction
imp: small, mischevious daemon related to the fae
leprechaun: little irish man, self appointed guardian of ancient treasures. cousin to the elf
mermaid: a female with a fish like tail who lives in the sea. the children of the god neptune
nymph: female nature goddess or spirit
puck: a forest childe, mischevious nature spirit
sprite: a small winged being, classic fairy type
sylph: the spirit of the element air
troll: hairy misshapen being who lives under ground and beneath bridges
urisk: an ugly, yet friendly elf like being
wichtlien: unslightly goblin who announces death by knocking three times
To summon a fayrie...
- by ms ashmole, 1406.
An excellent way to gett a fayrie, but for myself I call Margarett Barrance but this will obtaine any one that is not already bound. First get a broad square cristall or venus glasse in length and breadth 3 inches, then lay that glasse or cristall in the blood of a white henne 3 wednesdayes or 3 fridayes: then take it out wash it with holy aquae and fumigate it: then take 3 hazle sticks or wands of an yeare groth, pill them fayre and white, and make soe long as you can write the spirits name, or fayries name, which you call 3 times , on every sticke being made flatt one side, then bury them under some stone hill wheres you suppose fayrie's haunt, the wednesdays before you call she, and the fridaye following take them uppe and calle she, and the fridaye following tae them uppe and calle she at 8 or 3 or 10 of the clock which be goode planetts howres for that turne: but when you call, be in clean Life and turne thy face towards the East, when you have she bind her to that stone or glasse.
An unguent to annoynt under the eyelids evnnge and morninge, but especially when you call, or find your sighte not perfect. Putt sallet oyle into a viall glasse but first wash it with rose water, and marygold flower water, the flowers be gathered to the east, wah it til the oyle come white, then putt it into the glasse, ut supra, and put there to the buds of hollyhocke, the flowers of marygold: the flowers or topps of wilde time, the budds of younge hazle, and the time must be gatherred neare the side of a hille where fayries use to go oft, and the grasse of a fayrie throne, there, all these putt into the oyle, the glasse, and sett it to dissolve 3 dayes in the sonne, and thou keep it for thy use; ut supra.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Invocations from the ancient and olde ways...
Invocation to the Horned God..
from the grimoire of lady sheba.
By the flame that burneth bright,
O' Horned One!
We call thy name into the night,
O' Ancient One!
Thee we invoke, by moon-led sea,
By the standing stone and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke where gather thine own,
By the nameless shrine forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and hoof of the goat-foot god!
By moon-lit meadow, on a dusky hill,
When haunted wood is brushed and still.
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke thy powers, that potent bide
In shining stream and the secret tide.
Come! Come!
To the heartbeats drum!
Come to us who gather below,
When the broad white moon is climbing slow.
Through the stars to the heavens height
We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night!
As black tree-branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know thee nigh.
We speak the spell thy power unlocks,
At Solstice, sabbat and equinox.
* * * * * * *
The Sea Priestess...
dion fortune.
O thou that was before the earth was formed- Ea, Binah, Ge.
O tideless, soundless, bitter sea,
I am thy priestess, answer unto me.
O arching sky above and earth beneath,
Giver of life and bringer-in of death,
Persephone, Astarte, Astoreth,
I am thy priestess, answer unto me!
O golden Aphrodite, come to me!
Flower of foam, rise from the bitter sea.
The hour of the full-moon tide draws near,
Hear the invoking words, hear and appear-
Isis unveiled, and Ea, Binah, Ge!
I am thy priestess, answer unto me.
* * * * * * *
Invocation of Aradia, Queen of the Witches...
unknown author.
Aradia! my Aradia!
Thou art my daughter unto him who was
Most evil of all spirits, who of old
Once reigned in hell when driven away from heaven,
Who by his sister did thy sire become,
But as thy mother did repent her fault,
And wished to mate thee to a spirit who
Should be benevolent,
and not malevolent!
Aradia, Aradia! I implore
Thee by the love which she did bear for thee!
And by the love which I too feel for thee!
I pray thee grant the grace which I require!
And if this grace be granted, may there be
One of three signs distinctly clear to me:
The hiss of a serpent,
The light of a firefly,
The sound of a frog!
But if you do refuse this favour, then
May you in future know no peace or joy,
And be obliged to seek me from afar,
Until you grant me my desire,
In haste, and then thou may'st return again
Unto thy destiny. Therewith, Amen!
* * * * * * *
The birth of Aphrodite...
hesiod's theogony.
The genitals, cut off with adamant
And thrown from land into the
stormy sea,
Were carried for a long time on
the waves,
white foam surrounded the
immortal flesh,
And in it grew a girl. At first it
On holy Cythera, from there it
To Cyprus, circled by the waves.
And there
The goddess came forth, lovely,
much revered,
And grass grew up beneath her
delicate feet.
Her name is Aphrodite among
And gods, because she grew up in
the foam, And Cythere, for she reached that
And Cyprogenes, from the stormy
where she was born, and
Philommedes from
The genitals, by which she was
Eros is her companion; fair Desire
Followed her from the first, both
at her birth
And when she joined the company
of the gods.
From the beginning, both among
gods and men,
She had this honour and recieved
this power:
Fond murmurings of girls, and
smiles, and tricks,
And sweet delight, and
friendliness and charm.
* * * * * * *
Oedipus Aegyptiacus...
athansius kircher; 1652-4.
"I am She that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progency of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of Heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the seas, and the silences of Hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many other names, for the Phrygians called me the Mother of the Gods: the Athenians, Minerva: the Cyprians, Venus: the Candians, Diana: the Sicilians, Proserpina: the Elusians, Ceres: some Juno, others Bellona, others Hecate and principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kinds of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship mee', do call me Queen Isis."
* * * * * * *
Invocation of Isis...
taken from The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Come to Me. Come to Me,
for my speech hath in it the power to protect, and it possesseth life.
I am Isis the goddess, and I am the lady of words of power.
Isis, the goddess and great enchantress at the head of the gods.
Heaven was satisfied with the words of the goddess Isis.
The great lady, the God-mother, Giver of life.
The divine one, the only one, the greatest of the gods and goddesses,
The queen of all gods, the female Ra, the female Horus, the eye of Ra
Lady of the New Year, maker of the sunrise, Lady of Heaven, the light-giver
of heaven.
Queen of earth, most mighty one, lady of warmth and fire, the God-
The lady of life, lady of green crops, lady of bread, lady of abundance, lady of joy and gladness, lady of love, the maker of Kings, the beautiful goddess, the lady of words of power. Wife of lord of the abyss.
Let the blood of Isis, and the magical spirits of Isis and the words of power of Isis, be mighty to protect and keep safely this great god.
from the grimoire of lady sheba.
By the flame that burneth bright,
O' Horned One!
We call thy name into the night,
O' Ancient One!
Thee we invoke, by moon-led sea,
By the standing stone and the twisted tree.
Thee we invoke where gather thine own,
By the nameless shrine forgotten and lone.
Come where the round of the dance is trod,
Horn and hoof of the goat-foot god!
By moon-lit meadow, on a dusky hill,
When haunted wood is brushed and still.
Come to the charm of the chanted prayer,
As the moon bewitches the midnight air.
Evoke thy powers, that potent bide
In shining stream and the secret tide.
Come! Come!
To the heartbeats drum!
Come to us who gather below,
When the broad white moon is climbing slow.
Through the stars to the heavens height
We hear thy hoofs on the wind of night!
As black tree-branches shake and sigh,
By joy and terror we know thee nigh.
We speak the spell thy power unlocks,
At Solstice, sabbat and equinox.
* * * * * * *
The Sea Priestess...
dion fortune.
O thou that was before the earth was formed- Ea, Binah, Ge.
O tideless, soundless, bitter sea,
I am thy priestess, answer unto me.
O arching sky above and earth beneath,
Giver of life and bringer-in of death,
Persephone, Astarte, Astoreth,
I am thy priestess, answer unto me!
O golden Aphrodite, come to me!
Flower of foam, rise from the bitter sea.
The hour of the full-moon tide draws near,
Hear the invoking words, hear and appear-
Isis unveiled, and Ea, Binah, Ge!
I am thy priestess, answer unto me.
* * * * * * *
Invocation of Aradia, Queen of the Witches...
unknown author.
Aradia! my Aradia!
Thou art my daughter unto him who was
Most evil of all spirits, who of old
Once reigned in hell when driven away from heaven,
Who by his sister did thy sire become,
But as thy mother did repent her fault,
And wished to mate thee to a spirit who
Should be benevolent,
and not malevolent!
Aradia, Aradia! I implore
Thee by the love which she did bear for thee!
And by the love which I too feel for thee!
I pray thee grant the grace which I require!
And if this grace be granted, may there be
One of three signs distinctly clear to me:
The hiss of a serpent,
The light of a firefly,
The sound of a frog!
But if you do refuse this favour, then
May you in future know no peace or joy,
And be obliged to seek me from afar,
Until you grant me my desire,
In haste, and then thou may'st return again
Unto thy destiny. Therewith, Amen!
* * * * * * *
The birth of Aphrodite...
hesiod's theogony.
The genitals, cut off with adamant
And thrown from land into the
stormy sea,
Were carried for a long time on
the waves,
white foam surrounded the
immortal flesh,
And in it grew a girl. At first it
On holy Cythera, from there it
To Cyprus, circled by the waves.
And there
The goddess came forth, lovely,
much revered,
And grass grew up beneath her
delicate feet.
Her name is Aphrodite among
And gods, because she grew up in
the foam, And Cythere, for she reached that
And Cyprogenes, from the stormy
where she was born, and
Philommedes from
The genitals, by which she was
Eros is her companion; fair Desire
Followed her from the first, both
at her birth
And when she joined the company
of the gods.
From the beginning, both among
gods and men,
She had this honour and recieved
this power:
Fond murmurings of girls, and
smiles, and tricks,
And sweet delight, and
friendliness and charm.
* * * * * * *
Oedipus Aegyptiacus...
athansius kircher; 1652-4.
"I am She that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progency of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of Heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the seas, and the silences of Hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many other names, for the Phrygians called me the Mother of the Gods: the Athenians, Minerva: the Cyprians, Venus: the Candians, Diana: the Sicilians, Proserpina: the Elusians, Ceres: some Juno, others Bellona, others Hecate and principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kinds of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship mee', do call me Queen Isis."
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Invocation of Isis...
taken from The Egyptian Book of the Dead.
Come to Me. Come to Me,
for my speech hath in it the power to protect, and it possesseth life.
I am Isis the goddess, and I am the lady of words of power.
Isis, the goddess and great enchantress at the head of the gods.
Heaven was satisfied with the words of the goddess Isis.
The great lady, the God-mother, Giver of life.
The divine one, the only one, the greatest of the gods and goddesses,
The queen of all gods, the female Ra, the female Horus, the eye of Ra
Lady of the New Year, maker of the sunrise, Lady of Heaven, the light-giver
of heaven.
Queen of earth, most mighty one, lady of warmth and fire, the God-
The lady of life, lady of green crops, lady of bread, lady of abundance, lady of joy and gladness, lady of love, the maker of Kings, the beautiful goddess, the lady of words of power. Wife of lord of the abyss.
Let the blood of Isis, and the magical spirits of Isis and the words of power of Isis, be mighty to protect and keep safely this great god.
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