What home environment would you like to create? Write a Wish List handwritten on paper.. Seven Wishes such as Peace,, Love,, Employment,, Creativity etc... If you have a family to call your own,, you might like to make a Wish for each family member,, but do not forget to end your Wish List with So Mote It Be...
At a quiet, private time, focus on the paper holding your Wishes until you feel absorbed with the intent of your Magick and absorbed with the Universe. Say three times as you burn your wish List with a Pure White candle:
"Hestia,, Goddess of the Home and hearth
I Call to you Now
Bless this Home and my Family
Keep us Safe,, Well and Happy.
These Wishes I ask of you Now
With my families Love and in Perfect Trust.
Blessed Be.
Either do this on a Sunday for Joy and Success,, or a Thursday for Generosity and Luck,, according to your need.
Salt,, SALT,, how important is Salt?...
To change your Luck for the better,, for family health and to attract Money;
A dish of Salt is traditionally left in the kitchen to absorb any negativity or sorrow in the atmosphere of your home environment,, this should be replaced on a weekly basis by tipping it under a running water tap. Dissolve Salt in water and sprinkle it around the home and in the corners of the rooms to remove bad,, earthly paranormal activity. Sprinkle Salt on the doorstep of your house and sweep it outwards,, to create a psyhic boundary to your home.
In your garden,, or if you have none,,
a pot plant will suffice,, grow;
Pink Geraniums: for overcoming uncertainty, and softening family confrontations,,
for family Joy.
Honey Suckle: for bringing stability into the home and for good luck.
Lavender: for money coming into the home, for gentleness and
calming teenagers, brings kind and gentle words.
Lilac: for domestic happiness,, the ultimate happy-at-home flower,,
for attracting positive visitors,, olde and new friends.
Mint: all purpose,, encourages lively communication and
positive atmospheres,, removing negative influences,, for health,,
reversing bad fortune and restoring goode,, and protection for
you and your family members.
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